Monday, December 1, 2008

MED858 Session 5

Learning points and Reflection 5
Assessing and Improving Classroom Learning Environment

Learning points
- WIHIC is simple to use and is relevant to many subject areas.
- Web 2.0 Framework (4 quadrants of web applications)
Examples of applications: Ning, Flicker, Blogger, YouTube
- Purposes of assessing learning environments: 1. to identify gaps and 2. to improve (to design interventions, approaches and strategies)
- Case study on using CPS in Physics classrooms; modified WIHIC – 4 scales adopted from WIHIC and 1 scale (Material Support) from another instrument
- A modified instrument can use different scales from various instruments as long as the instruments are validated and are subject to Moos's Scheme.

At the improvement process, a great deal of personal reflection is required.

I am grateful that I attended this module. I notice that many research journals and educational articles mention about classroom learning environments, the instruments and the 'gurus' (influential figures) in this field such as Moos and Walberg. Now I am able to understand and appreciate these journals and articles better.

Dr Quek bought us fruits at lunch time. Thanks again. Our class have decided to give her a surprise… ;>

Today our group tried out Google Docs ( where we created a presentation file online and shared with our coursemates. It is simply phenomenal!

The afternoon session on SPSS was extremely exciting. For the first time I had the chance and the skill to generate statistical data such as Cronbach's Alpha for reliability and t-score for significant difference. Though it was rather heavy going, I was really thrilled with the experience.

We used WIKI as a collaboration tool where each of us was assigned certain tasks and contributed to the group project. It relied a lot on team work. I am glad that our group had been able to work along together. It was wonderful to see our work grew from day to day.

The journey to better learning environment begins with us as educators making personal improvements in our understanding and practice. This may require changes that will be difficult to achieve. However, I am glad that the course has allowed me to re-examine my personal philosophy as an educator and has broaden my thinking about learning environment to include psychosocial and systemic aspects.

My (modest) action plan after the course:
1. To decide one instrument to assess my classroom learning environment
Hopefully by going through the instrument, I become more aware of Moos's three dimensions of LE and consequently be more competent in facilitating LE
I will probably use CLES as I am more familiar with it after class discussion. It is also quite relevant to my aim to know my students better.
Now that I have learnt more about instrument modification, I will probably use WIHIC instead of CLES. WIHIC is easier to administer considering my target groups of Secondary 3 and 4 students. It can also be modified easily to assess my science classes. I will modify WIHIC by adding certain scales from CLES since I am familiar with the latter as well through class discussion.
I will also try to compute the reliability and significant difference of the assessment result using SPSS.
SPSS website:
2. To design follow-up actions for improvement based on the result of the assessment

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