Monday, November 24, 2008

MED858 Session 1

Online Session & Reading

Read Chapter 6 'The Design of Learning Environment' of 'How People Learn' . For assessment-centered environments, formative assessment is crucial for timely feedback as well as intervention. This can be in the form of a simple test such as multiple choice questions so long as it assesses understanding of students' learning.

We could also try out verbal Q&A at the beginning of a lesson. Unlike the written test which is the summative assessment where we need time to mark, verbal Q&A allows us to solicit feedback immediately and consequently adjust our lesson accordingly.

As for the article 5_1 Science Learning Environments Assessment, Effects and Determinants, I read with great interest about one of the practical implications highlighted by the author: Learning environment assessments should be used in addition to student learning outcome measures to provide information about subtle but important aspects of classroom life”. In the past I have been focusing too much on assessing the learning outcomes of my students. Now I am forced to challenge my mental models. The fact that students have a large stake in what happens to them at school means that their reactions to and perceptions of their school experiences are significant. The author has pointed out further: “Students are at a good vantage point to make judgements about classrooms because they have encountered many different learning environments and have enough time in a class to form accurate impressions.” In view of this, I am now more receptive to the idea that assessing the social and psychological aspects of learning environments of classrooms and schools is crucial.

Dr Quek's Podcast 'Understanding Learning Environment: Key Concept'
The key concepts of perception, school climate, school culture, classroom and school learning environments were discussed. Human behaviour reflects attitude, sense of acceptance and the ability to build positive relationships. The big picture is shown in the model 'Inter-relationships between Lewinan's formula and Murray's needs-press model'. Various components include the person, personal needs, human behaviour, learning environment are interconnected. Kurt Lewin's field theory states that a person's behaviour is influenced by the person and the environment. Behaviour = f(Person, Environment).

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